Our Partners
Individuals impacted by poverty and / or homelessness often experience a sense of hopelessness fueled by powerlessness. Navigating resources are challenging and often hindered by barriers that create a sense of isolation and despair.
We are grateful to our partners who support our ministry. Our partners are an essential part of our team in helping to provide resources and opportunities for self-growth that can move our participants from hopelessness to hope and sustainability.
united way of alamance county
Powerline church assists us to accomplish our mission
The Powerline Church nurse ministry partners with us in providing health resources and healthcare for our clinic. The nurses’ ministry at Powerline Church is in partnership with ConeHealth Congregational Nurse Program.
New Life at Hocutt
New Life at Hocutt is host partner providing space for our community center and supportive resources. A group of congregants are committed to praying for us every week.
Cone Health Congregational Nurse Program
Through our partnership with the Cone Health Congregational Nurse Program, a registered nurse is on site providing health screenings and resources.
St. Marks Church
St. Marks Church has committed to support us with resources and regular financial support. St. Marks has hosted our annual Christmas Party for the past two years. Every participant received two gifts from their Christmas wish list.
Lamb’s Chapel
Lamb’s Chapel has been a faithful partner since before the opening of our center. They have supported us through resources and financial support.
trinity worship center
alamance service league